The Pirate Binding

“ A General and True History of the Lives and Actions of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers, & A Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the most Noted Pirates…” - 1742.

When commissioned to create this binding, it was not difficult to think of imagery that would be applicable. From Hollywood blockbusters to Halloween costumes, there was so much to choose from, and I began the difficult process of deciding which imagery would suit this book best.

For the front cover - a version of the skull and crossbones, a universal symbol to signal the danger of death. The combination of these iconic skeletal remains instantly draws our attention, a reminder of what waits for us at the end of our time.

For the back cover - a seemingly hopeless battle for a sailing ship and a monstrous tentacled sea creature partially hidden by the crashing waves. Although there is definitely a sense of impending doom…the sails are full, the hull is unbroken, and the masts are upright and strong. I wanted to show the perseverance against reaching a terminus, a battle against the inevitable. Those who lived their lives as pirates and notorious malefactors knew the risks involved in their craft, and despite the warnings of almost certain death, they set sail for adventurous enterprise.

In The Walker Library of the History of Human Imagination

Bound by Felton Bookbinding Ltd.